Saturday, June 30, 2012

Taking the Plunge

Ok ok, I'll post it on blog - I neeeeeed to swim.  Tomorrow.  Well, tomorrow is preferable.  You see, it's winter here, and unless the sun is shining oh so bright, I likely won't be brave enough to take the plunge.  yet.

I almost did yesterday.

Togs.  Silver Fern/All Blacks style.
A NZ keepsake, I hope! 
I put on my swimsuit - or togs if we want to be kiwi correct.  Then I put on some clothes (layers - like wool shirt/fleece jacket/fleece lined leggings) on top of the togs.  Grabbed my goggles and swim cap.  Took a bag without valuables.  Added a pair of gloves and a hat to the bag.  Hopped on one of the hostel's bikes.  And I was off to the sea.  With every intention to swim.

The day was lovely.  Sunny and just a smidge of a breeze in the morning.  I was inspired.

"Today I will swim," I exclaimed in my head earlier in the day.

The attempt and intention were there.

I did make it to the beach in Paihia that seemed most swim friendly.  And I stuck my feet in the water.  Yeah feet.  That means both of them.  Though the sun was still out, the water was not warm.  And I had to deal with a headwind on my way there.  Headwind = wind...versus a smidge of a breeze.

It was too late.  I missed my chance.  By the time I made it to the sea, the wind was too strong and the air temperature had dropped.  I didn't feel like getting stuck in the sea all by myself.  No thank you, hypothermia.

But I have done some research.  While the water temperature is a chilly 16*C, it's by no means wetsuit necessary, apparently.  It's more about taking that first plunge and get moving straight away!  A refreshing style cold.  And I'll just need to make sure I don't venture too far from shoreline, just in case I need to make a speedy escape to a warm cup of coffee and my layers of clothes.

But if I can actually make it to the beach midday, I think that's my best bet.  The sun was actually quite warm around noon.

I'm hopeful tomorrow will be the day.  If not tomorrow then I have to wait til Tuesday :(   due to work hours also being daylight hours.

Despite the cold, I really am ready to take the plunge!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oh, Snap!


It worked again! I rode my bike yesterday.  Posting plans on blog is great

Not so great is my poor bike.  But let it be known blog, I will use your internet friend - the search engine (probably google) - to discover the ways of bicycle fixing.

I mentioned in my last post that my derailleur hanger snapped in half.  See:

Yeah, that's a story.  Well, the entertaining part of this story is that I pulled over on the shoulder after spotting an oh-so-shiny glimmer on the side of the road...and because I had to discover what it was, I then proceeded - quite ungracefully - to park my bike and slightly overloaded trailer (I was moving to Paihia from Kerikeri) on it's side.  Yeah, it more or less toppled over.  Good thing there was only a slight embankment off the shoulder rather than a treacherous cliff.

And then there was a snap.  that's right. and snap.  more like SNAP, actually.

Turns out the oh-so-shiny glimmer was a fifty cent piece.  I couldn't help but smile.  Really, laughing was the best reaction in this situation...for real.  it was.

Fifty cents.

And to keep a long story short, an older couple driving past saw me taking my bike apart (I had a spare hanger) and asked if I'd need a ride to Paihia.  In my younger years, I'd likely have declined - wanting to prove to myself that I had the ability to get my very own self out of this no-so-rainbows-butterflies-and-sunshine situation.  But in my wiser, older years - I pretty much said "for sure" in a heartbeat...but don't worry - I was very grateful and polite.

So the other funny (or not so funny) part of the story is that my brilliant self left my helmet in their car.  Which is why the borrowed helmet below makes me look like I should be given kid's menus again.

(Haruru Falls behind me and the helmet)

I will continue to choose this helmet out of the 10 or so I am able to borrow cause it's my favorite.  So as long as I don't get a new helmet in the near future, and I can figure out how to effectively alter the actions of my wonky but still working derailleur, we will all be seeing more of this cute little helmet in the photosharing world.

So that's it y'all - and as we say in the south, I'll be fixin' to fix my bike.  And below are some pics from my lovely little ride yesterday afternoon.

Have you reflected today?

Wairoa Bay

(10 points for you if you can guess that this is!)

(cause it's harder, 46 points if you know what this is)

(Peace...or High Five - you choose)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Life in Another Land of Islands

I live is a little tiny town in an region (province?) called the Far North - if you can deduce anything by this name, it's pretty far up there on the North Island.  It's on the coast.   Many super smiles for that.  Wonderfully, it's in an area called the Bay of Islands - and if you can deduce anything by this name - just beyond the coast, but still in the bay lives a plethora of little islands.  Non-wonderfully, due to the fact that it's located on a bay with lots of little islands blocking the seashore, there's not much in the name of big waves.  But it's all G, y'all. You can't have everything, as they say - whoever they may be.

Luckily, there are lots of seashells- both brand new and worn through the ages smooth - appearing to be little pieces of finely sculpted artwork...and I will soon make those little pieces of artwork into handcrafted pieces of artwork - for your ears...and maybe wrists.  And possibly necks, one day.

A little sampling of what my hands have been crafting the past few weeks:

I heart these (below)...and the little shadows they make on your neck.

I've more recently been into making chains - nothing like necklace style yet, but several bracelets.

I was inspired a while ago by a cycle tourist staying where I lived in Rotorua.  She and her partner are sailing  for an unknown time period.  She has in the past made jewelry and suggested using a little hammer to flatten wire.  Just what I want - more opportunities and ideas to be creative.  I don't have a hammer yet, but used my rounded pointy nose beading pliers to flatten the spiral ends of these hand-wired beads.  I like how it came out and look forward to discovering how this will dangle from an ear.

I'm employed!  Perhaps the grandest news of all, eh?  Check out the lovely colors of my uniform:

I'm also working for accommodation at a backpackers so that means no rent!!  Yeah!!

Ok, life is good.  I've been running nearly everyday, despite my issues with rice last week, and I'm officially in lovelovelove with running again.  Just gotta get back on the bike and jump into the freezing ocean...

This post  (the sea-related part) reminds me of Morcheeba's "The Sea" from the album 
Big Calm. Listen to it if you please.  One of my all-time fave bands.

And just to let blog know...I neeeeeed/waaaaant to ride my bike tomorrow.  I keep putting it off cause my deralliuer hanger snapped in half a while back and I replaced it...perhaps I'm fearful of my mechanic-ing skills and that the newly replaced hanger will snap in half again.  But, let it be known - I will put if off no more!!

It's officially the shortest day of the year today.  I'm so excited for longer daylight hours again - so soon.

Happy solstice day wherever you are in the world!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Goodbye Grains

Turns out my body doesn't like ALL grains.  Not just wheat, barley, and rye - the typical gluten related stuff that gluten free people avoid to the max.  I won't go into the details here in blogland regarding symptoms, or lack of, now - gratefully...(only to spare you the yucky details of the toilet/derrier combo).

But it's official.  Completely grain free improves my quality of life so much that I,  both plainly and simply, don't miss it.  Don't crave it.  Don't dream about it.  Nada.  

It's looking like legumes may be getting the boot, too.  But this is still in test-mode.  

And more than two bites of a Stephanie friendly chocolate bar (there is only one bar of one brand I can eat) gives me some seriously mad heartburn.    

Apparently lectins and too much fructose (can lead to fructose malabsorption) can cause havoc on the intestinal system- especially, I suppose - to those who are already much too sensitive (but perhaps this is really a good good thing - to me, anyway - in terms of simplicity).

What a strange concept that I am gradually embracing - it really is wonderful to be able to understand and know my body well enough to know WHY it feels/reacts this way it does and HOW to go about altering lifestyle choices to feel optimal.

But, like everything in this thing we call life, this is an ever going process and there is something to be learned everyday.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Visuals - goals and kiwifruit

It worked.  I posted yesterday in blogville that I planned to run this morning.  And I did.  Therefore, all logic points to blog being responsible for my glorious run this morning.  It worked!!

Ok, so we all know it's more likely willpower than blog that is responsible for my glorious run this morning.  But perhaps putting goals in writing creates a visual effect rather than something your brain is trying to remember it has/wants/needs/intends with all seriousness to do only have life's endless distractions get in the way.  And of course there is the phenomenon known as procrastination.

Another goal to quickly verbalize (in typed words) to blog: I'm challenging myself to only buy single ingredient food/drinks.  That's right.  If one ingredient is paired with another or chills out in groups of three or more, I must veer away.  I must JUST SAY NO.

So far it's working (I've been food shopping twice).  And surprisingly - and I really am being honest here - it's so much easier to shop.  I will continue to call it a challenge, just to challenge myself (but secretly, this challenge is far less challenging than I thought it could be).  Which is not really bad.  Plus I just feel so darn good.
But maybe there really is something (for me) to put things in writing.  To visualize differently.  I'm gonna keep trying.

Here are some more visuals! - Fruitpicking style.  I'm telling you, it's true.  That is my hand picking a kiwifruit.  And below that is a big bin full of the fruit we picked.  Per team of people, we picked 40+ of those suckers on a full picking day.

The fruit in these bins are not ready to eat - in fact, they are very nearly hard as a rock.  But maybe they are traveling to a grocer near you.  And if that's the case and we picked them ripe, then they would be full on rotten by the time they got to you.

I will admit, vine-ripened kiwifruit is sensational.

I appear to be VERY happy to pick that piece of fruit.  That's because I am happy.  Must be.  I'm smiling huge.  But I'm happy not because I've discovered my dream job, but because it's our last day of picking.  In fact that may very well be my last fruit picked.

 So like I said, fruitpicking is not my dream job.  Nor was it always fun.  But I thoroughly enjoyed working with the other pickers.  And honestly, it's a fascinating process.

I am quite grateful I don't dream of vine after vine of kiwifruit anymore the moment my head hits the pillow.

I need to swim this week.  That's my next written goal.  It's been ages.  It'll be a baby swim - and FREEZING. but it's a start.  a baby swim is a better swim than no swim at all.

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Vision for Blog

Ok, so here's the deal.  A first for me.  Yes, this will (potentially) become something of a training blog.  why?  you ask.  why not?  I ask.  Certainly couldn't hurt. Don't worry, I will continue to tell the tales of New Zealand life, and life after that.  Hopefully a bit more frequently.  But I also need direction.  I need to put my (race) goals and training intentions in writing.  Strangely - or perhaps it's more normal than not - if others are aware of my goals (I will use goals and visions interchangeably - perhaps to be explained, one day), it is easier to for me to stick to them rather than veer off track.  Keeps the vision alive and well.

I'm simply joining zillions upon gabillions of humankind in posting my goals for the lands of blog to observe.  Will it help?  Time will tell.  Do you really care??? I have no idea.  But at least it's my blog.

Ok, so I've been running a lot lately.  My first blog vision: run again tomorrow.  In the crisp morning air.  Before that (like tonight) I need to discover, via google, a solid workout. any ideas?  I need help.

I'll let you know how it goes.  I also have a fruitpicking update...with photos of the spiffy, efficient kiwi-fruitpicking bags.  I so CAN'T WAIT to share.

Aloha and happy goal-sharing!