These are a few photos. I'm still trying to figure out how to upload these things.
This is my lovely home. 26 ounces. Lots of space. It took me about a week to learn how to properly set it up - and even still, there's always more to learn, right? There were about 9 of us tenting up on Max's Patch that night to a beautiful sunset...and just down the hill was a trail magic crew serving up yummy food and drinks for us. perfect!
I love flowers. There will be more pictures of them on my camera. In fact, I've discovered I not only have a 'macro' feature on my camera, but a 'super macro' feature - meaning I might be able to take pictures of amoebas.

A typical shelter scene at dawn, although there were a few more people than normal at this one. I think 25 people ended up sleeping there that night. The shelter itself only holds eight. The next night, there were only six of us.
Cool formations just after Newfound Gap in the Smokies. It seems as though the mist/fog continuously froze on the twiggies through the night as the mighty wind blew. do you know what this is???

More to come...
That tent looks tiny.. is it warm inside?